Friday, January 08, 2016

Jockulsarlon at 4 am

It's about 4 am and I am crouched along the channel that leads from the Jokusarlon glacier's bay out to the ocean.   It is too dim to photograph the birds swooping down to catch the small fish in the channel and the sound of the huge pieces of ice tumbling down the narrow channel, crashing into each other is an other wordly reminder of the powerful forces of nature.   I should have recorded a video with sound, but instead I took three rapid shots at high speed, maybe within a 1/3 of a second, bracketed the exposure and tried to express the range of ice, from dark and holding still frozen earth scraped from the volcanic sediment found at the center of Iceland to the pristine clear ice of compressed snow.  I was cold.  The wind was howling across the vast frozen surfaces unchecked.   This moment will not be forgotten. Sphere: Related Content

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