Thursday, October 04, 2012

What would you say?

What I would like to hear Romney say tonightThe great issues“The 14th Amendment was adopted to end discrimination in the United States in 1868. The accomplishment of that goal has been a work in progress ever since. Not until the mid 20th century did true progress occur primarily through the leadership and sacrifice of Martin Luther King followed by advocates for women’s rights and other gender related issues.As president of the United States, I would actively pursue the eradication of discrimination in the United States of every type and form. The realization of the full effectiveness of the 14th Amerndment is my number 1 goal. I believe that a culture and society which is free of discrimination, where every citizen has equal opportunity and where every person regardless of ethnicity, race, creed or gender has equal opportunity education, employment, marriage, family and the pursuit of happiness, the goal of America. These are the “great issues” before us, now as they have been for many decades, as our country evolves and grows in a world of instant global communications, trade and relationships. We all must learn to live peacefully and I further believe that America’s founding fathers and God established the United States to be the example to the world. We have much to do.Today, in 2012, we have more challenges as a nation than ever before. Not only do we have challenges from abroad like the terrorists who invaded our embassy in Libya and assassinated our ambassador, like the challenge of so many people across the world who celebrated that tragedy, but also those who patiently plot and plan to create world imbalance like the nation of Iran. This is a world with great issues of its own, which needs the United States to fully engage its role as a leading example of freedom and democracy. The same role of leadership is required on economic issues and that is where the current President of the United States and I so strongly disagree.While I believe that I have stated the long range goals of our nation in a way to which we should all abe able to agree, I believe that we must put our economic recovery at the very forefront of our plans and efforts. Without a strong national and global economy with the United States leading the way in employment, balanced national budgets, provision of world leading health care and world leading education, none of our primary goals as a nation can be achieved. I ask you to elect me in November for 4 years, with an option to renew for four more years conditioned on the achievement of a clear improvement in our national economy and global economic leadership. With the world respect and position that this recovery should achieve, I believe we will do more to achieve our national goals of a discrimination free society than in any other way. Let’s put first things first and get out of the hole that may have started long ago but which our current President has only dug deeper. President Obama has not achieved what I set as the threshold requirement for re-election, true progress towards economic recovery.Let us keep our eye on the goals our forefathers set for our nation back in the time of Abraham Lincoln and towards which we made so much progress towards during the too short life of Martin Luther King. That is a national goal on which we can all agree. I believe that we first put our house in order economically and I am going to show you all how I plan to do this during these debates. I really do not care what slings and arrows my opponent may attempt to cloud these issues with. My vision for our future is clear, well considered and correct. I will not waver from my purpose; an America with.Equality of opportunity - elimination of barriers based on any kind, be they race, sex, ethnic heritage, sexual preference, age or educational opportunity. Equality of care - every citizen must have equal access to quality medical care - with the knowledge that there will never be financial or other barriers to life saving medicine and hospitalizationEquality of security - every American must be confident that in retirement and old age that they will not become burdens on their families. Every citizen must be protected in their golden years and have access to safe shelter and nutritional food.” Sphere: Related Content

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