Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Trying to Be Energy Efficient - Maryland Government Roadblocks Grants

We got our application for the $3,000 stimulus grant provided by the state of Maryland for installation of a geothermal system to replace the old electric heating system which was built into our house in 1991. The application contains pages of technical questions which my wife researched with the contractor and system designer. Then she came to the 20 pages of written regulations which which we must have complied in order to get the grant. There were references to statutes on subjects of discrimination, wage levels paid, selection process for contractors, use of various metals and plastic components and other very very arcane subjects. We thought we might have our attorney research whether we could sign this document and be assured that we would not be prosecuted at some later date. The lawyer could do this research in about a day of statute looking up and reading. That would be 8 hours at $420 per hour - $ 3,360. So we are going to pass on the grant and hope that just being green and using the earth's heat of cool and heat our home will be reward enough.

This is just another example of how government gets in the way. Sphere: Related Content

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