Folks, something really really important is happening and if you aren't tuned into this, well, you might wake up in a few days or weeks and find out that all you have done for your entire life about being conservative and saving and prudent and pinching pennies has not mattered one whit.......
Is that scarey? What I am saying is that the value of your dollars, whether you put them in a bank ($250,000 limit thank you very much) or under the bed with a gun to ward off evil doers, HAS EVAPORATED!!
How bad is that??
In other words, even though the stock market has gained 30%, the ole greenback has deteriorated 30% against the other currencies of the world and you have NOTHING to show for your taking the risk of investing in stocks for the last 6 months.
Around the corner may lurk potential inflation which will whack your bucks even more.
Now this is not the first place that this has been said. Witness the absolutely incredible run in gold and silver. This morning on CNBC a fellow who was very articulate said gold will be $2,000 per oz sometime in 2010. Last night on Glen Beck another guy was talking about $4,000 per oz. Are they looney? Where were the guys in the white coats and straight jackets? They were not running to capture these two "crazies" they were running to their local coin store to buy the only loonies that matter, the Canadian kind, made from gold.
I am just plain old scared again. This is the real deal. This morning someone decided to sell gold. That selling lasted for less than an hour. It was then like Black Friday at Walmart. When the word got out that you could buy GLD for a $1 less than yesterday, well the buyers came back in force and up gold went again. New high. Remember in a couple months it is 2010 and the guy on CNBC said $2,000 and oz. Get some now while your dollars still can buy a loaf of bread for $ 4.00 and a gallon of gas for less than $5..................... Sphere: Related Content
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