Friday, October 16, 2009

Meteoric Rise - Rapid Decline?

Tomorrow, October 16th, is another options expiration day. The shorts will have to be covered and the longs will collect their profits. Three months in a row there have been bearish prognostications of imminent fall of the markets back to some normal progression based upon value and three months in a row the market has continued to surge upward. If you simply followed the trend and did not let your emotional predilection or the previous 24 months of volatility and loss influence your thinking, you would have made money in this market. I don't believe that there were many so fool hardy.
The interest rates are so low now, though, that us post war baby boomers are going to have to start taking some risks to get through the next 20 or so years of life. It takes $100,000 now invested in a U.S. Treasury bond of 20 year duration to pay yourself a meager $ 175 per month. I predict that more and more grey haired workers will be looking to continue their employment way beyond the usual mid-60's retirement age. We won't be riding motorcycles into the sunset or taking long trips in Winnebagos. We will be doing something just to afford buying groceries and to pay the real estate taxes on houses that we can't sell.
Don't laugh. When the money runs out, we will be moving in with our kids. Sphere: Related Content

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Well, at least you'll have some place to stay. Give us some fair warning, we'll have to renovate our storage space, maybe add a window for you...if you don't forget to refill the Lucky Charms when you exhaust a box.