Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Compositional Signatures in the Photographic Art of Larry Sultan

Last week I had the privilege of a leisurely visit to LACMA, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art where, with my son Lawrence, I viewed, along with other great exhibits, the photographs of Larry Sultan.

As an aspiring photographer, I study the work of renowned photographers and attempt to understand the qualities which  make their work unique and respected.  In the work of Larry Sultan I found an immediate engagement with the viewer, as if Sultan himself was standing at my shoulder whispering and pointing, "look here, then look there!  See that, then notice this.  Chuckle to yourself...  Isn't that interesting, or disturbing or humorous??" 
The work of Sultan speaks to the viewer in a strong, universally human language of photography, written in light by a master communicator of the art.
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