Thursday, November 08, 2012

The next 12 Months - Can we rise above?

Only 15 states have taken the necessary steps to adopt the Affordable Health Care Act. This failure will result in a massive intrusion of the Federal government to implement the provisions. This will result in a rapid massive shift in the basic process of obtaining, documenting and providing for health care. No one can predict the turmoil involved.

Very soon we face the fiscal cliff. The immediate impact would be an immediate slow down in domestic economic activity to reduce the GDP to -1.7%, increasing health care costs by 1% because of layoffs which means piling on of health care utilization before COBRA clicks in and a probable increase in unemployment backiy to 9%.

Plans are for layoffs and reduction of capital expenditures.

Taxes will increase on dividends and capital gains. The income which supports our seniors will be reduced significantly.

For details of these predictions, see the interview of Mark Bertolino, Chairman and CEO of Aetna on CNBC 11/7/2012.

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