Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cliff Diving

Cliff diving

You all have likely seen the Mexican cliff divers who launch themselves into the air over the rocky waters of Acapulco. They seem heroic and brave before they plunge to disappear for a breathless few seconds beneath the surface to then appear, smiling, arm waving, to the delight, applause and relief of those watching. The divers are called "death defying" and "fool hardy.". Yet their bravado pales next to a president who leads his nation to the brink of the cliff and urges the population to jump. The Acapulco divers know every rock below, every depth at each moment of the surging tide. The President has not a clue. The divers know how far beneath the water their dive will take them and how much breath and strength is needed to rise back to the surface. They survive going off the cliff. We, my fellow Americans, will not.

The current projected shortfall of our underfunded corporate pension plans (low interest rates assumed) is a monumental $400 Billion which is trivial compared to the governments' (state and local) shortfall of $4 trillion. Folks the water beneath our fiscal cliff is as unknown as the dark depths of the Mariana Trench. We don't have enough oxygen to get back to the surface if we take the plunge.

So i ask you, "do you know anyone who voted for McCain 4 years ago that is voting for Obama this time?". In logic that question is called a rhetorical reduction to absurdity. An impossible thought.

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