Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Electing a President

What process would you undertake in deciding how to vote for president when there is a sitting president and a host of challengers from another party or maybe even several parties?

Would you review the record of sitting president and grade that president on his or her accomplishments? Would you look at the economy, employment, the value of the dollar, our relationships with trading partners and competitors, the status of relations with other countries, the status of social issues that are important to you (list some other important elements) OR would you simply say:
1. I have always voted for that party so I will be faithful and vote based on party alone
2. I am a "liberal" or "conservative" and so is the current president so I will vote that way
3. I think the current president has charisma and makes great speeches and inspires me so I will vote for that
4. Things aren't so good right now but its not the president's fault so let's give the president a chance to get it right
5. Things aren't so good right now but the alternative is worse for one reason or another so I will vote for the least bad choice?

How are you approaching the decision? Sphere: Related Content

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