Monday, June 14, 2010

Oil in the Gulf

When will it be stopped? Wednesday, June 16, Washington, D.C. time, the President will meet with the Chairman of BP. Will the U.S. Marshalls be there to arrest this criminal (Justice Department has a criminal investigation underway, so someone has to be arrested. Why not get the desperado before he can get away?)?

Will the IRS be there to hand the Chairman a bill for excess spillage taxes that will reduce the pension payments for 1,000’s of Brits? Will the President take over control of BP – as if he doesn’t have enough on his mind already?

None of these are likely.

They will talk. The President will ask him to bend over and let him kick him and the Chairman will politely refuse. Nothing will get done. The oil will still keep gushing. Don’t we have submarines and technology to get down there and plug the leak? Maybe we should ask Holland. They might be able to find the descendant of the little boy who put his finger in the dike………….

In the United States there is a Consitutionally guaranteed freedom of the press.

Sorry BP, we will take the pictures:

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